Aishwarya Rai Bachchan: Top 10 performances

As Aishwarya Rai Bachchan gears up to re-face the camera, we take a look at her ten best performances over the years.

  • Guzaarish
    Aishwarya's last film before the five-year hiatus was Guzaarish, where she played the role of Sofia, nursing Ethan Mascarenhas (played by Hrithik Roshan), a quadiplegic.

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  • Raavan
    Aishwarya's role in the film Raavan was that of Ragini, the wife of an IPS officer, who is abducted by Beera (Abhishek Bachchan).

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  • Jodha Akbar
    In this history-meets-fiction film, the actress played the role of Jodha Bai, Akbar's Rajput queen.

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  • Provoked
    Playing Kiranjit Ahluwalia, an NRI woman, who sets her husband ablaze after years of domestic violence, Aishwarya was lauded by all and sundry.

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  • Guru
    In Guru, loosely based on the life of Dhirubhai Ambani, Ash was seen in the role of Sujata Desai. Abhishek Bachchan played the eponymous Gurukant 'Guru' Desai.

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  • Bride and Prejudice
    Aishwarya played Lalita Bakshi, Gurinder Chadha's Indianized Elizabeth Bennett, in this Indianised adatation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

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  • Devdas
    Based on Sarat Chandra Chatterjee's novel by the same name, Devdas is the story of Devdas, his childhood sweetheart Paro, and the courtesan Chandramukhi. Aishwarya played the role of Paro, and won numerous awards and much praise for the same.

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  • Mohabbatein
    Aishwarya plays Megha, the daughter of the staunch-strict headmaster of Gurukul, Narayan Shankar (Amitabh Bachchan). The film is about star-cross'd lovers Megha and Raj Aryan (Shah Rukh Khan), and how their love story ends up melting the stone-cold heart of Narayan Shankar.

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  • Taal
    This Subhash Ghai film had Aishwarya play Mansi, the daughter of a singer. Apart from Aishwarya, the film also stars Akshaye Khanna and Anil Kapoor in pivotal roles.

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  • Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is getting back to films after five years, with Sanjay Gupta's Jazbaa. With her fans in crazy anticipation, the actress will be returning to films after 2010, when her last Bollywood outing, Guzaarish, hit the screens. After that, Aishwarya disappeared from the silver screen owing to her pregnancy and the associated work. As the actress gears up to re-face the camera, we take a look at her ten best performances over the years.

    Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam
    Aishwarya played the role of Nandini in the film, alongside Salman Khan and Ajay Devgn.

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