Men's Day:20 men we truly desire!

  • Tom Cruise
    Possibly the most good looking man of Hollywood, Tom Cruise is sexy personified. The Jerry Maguire star has always been a hit with the ladies, on and off screen. Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz and finally Katie Holmes, Cruise has always had the most amazing women in love with him, because let's accept it, he is Hot!

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  • Taylor Lautner
    If vampires are hot, so are werewolves! This young actor has a physique that fantasies are made of. The slightly native appearance adds to his very exotic looks. He is younger than most of us, but well, that doesn't stop us from loving him!

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  • Shah Rukh Khan
    Shah Rukh Khan is a name that speaks charisma like no other. A smart attitude and wits to match just about any person on planet earth, SRK gives you complete entertainment for your time and money. He is awesome both on screen and off screen and well, he knows it! We love to love SRK!

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  • Salman Khan
    Dabangg star Salman has the ladies eating off his hands. He is probably the most good looking Khan of our industry. A bad boy once, he is now more than making up for it. He has always been into charity and has now started his Being Human foundation to be able to help the under priveleged in a bigger, better way. What is more awesome than a spoilt brat becoming a sweet heart?

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  • Robert Pattinson
    The vampire of our dreams, Pattinson has captured our fantasies like wild fire. The brooding looks coupled with his lean physique is something dreams are made of. Bella is right if she wants to be dead to be with him, we would too!

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  • Ryan Reynolds
    Ryan Reynolds, the 'Proposal' actor - who is married to actress Scarlett Johansson, has been named the world's sexiest man for 2010. His washboard abs, his cute as hell smile and that sexy jawline, sigh. Well if diva Scarlett found him hot, can we even think of questioning it?

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  • Richard Gere
    Can you forget this man, in his suits, charming a prostitute from the streets in Pretty Woman? We can't. It is a big pat on Richard's back that at this age, he is still a sex symbol for all the females of the world. So much so, even the demure Shilpa Shetty didnt mind a quick kiss!

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  • Ranbir Kapoor
    If you do not find this 'gora, punjabi munda' hot, then you need to Wake up Sid! This Kapoor lad is different. For starters, he isn't just cute but has a bod to die for. Put in loads of genetic good looks and that very khandaani attitude and you have a superstar for keeps! Ranbir has redefined new age cinema with his performances and also keeps us on our toes guessing who he is dating next! We don't blame Deepika Padukone for getting that RK tattoo done!

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  • Rahul Gandhi
    The prodigal son from the first family of Indian politics, Rahul Gandhi is not just a face. He is good looking, dignified and keeps cool in the dirty world of politics. With a high profile background where one is spoilt for choice, he manages to not lose it and maintain his integrity. Full marks Mr.Gandhi.

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  • Rahul Bose
    The thinking actor, Rahul Bose captures our imagination for very different reasons. A strong personality, a rugby player and a social activist, Rahul is intellect personified. And we love him the way he is.

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  • Raghavendra Rathore
    Born and brought up in the epicenter of heritage and tradition in the ancient city of Jodhpur, designer Raghavendra Rathore knows elegance. His traditional upbringing and training of his craft at the Parsons School of Design in New York gave him the international edge. But what is amazing is, how royal the man looks! There is something about him that catches the eye, truly gorgeous.

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  • Kunal Kapoor
    Rang De Basanti was a movie full of good looking actors, but one stood out for his pure good looks. Kunal Kapoor has a Adonis like face and a height and voice to match. He is unconventional and understated, a quality utterly desirable by us women. Sigh.

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  • Johnny Depp
    Yes Willy Wonka, we wish you were a part of the chocolate factory for real, atleast we could take a bite out of you! Immensely talented with a penchant for eccentric roles, Depp rocks every performance with his drop dead good looks and persona. Even when he is a murderous barber, we don't complain!

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  • John Abraham
    Acting or no acting, John Abraham is eye candy beyond comparison. After Salman, he is known to be the only other actor who works out as a passion! An animal lover who also does charity, John is a mix of macho and cute. Bipasha Basu has reason to hold on to him for almost a decade and we know that!

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  • Imran Khan
    He is Aamir Khan's nephew, a new 'Khan' in Bollywood, tall, fair and super cute. The only thing that isnt working for him is that he is engaged to be married very soon! And even then, we just cant keep our eyes off this donut. He charmed his way into our hearts with Jaane Tu..Ya Jaane Na and with any Luck, he will remain there!

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  • Hrithik Roshan
    He came, he saw, he conquered. The film industry and our hearts. Hrithik is the ideal man, with oodles of talent, acclaimed performances, a drop dead gorgeous physique and fairytale romance in real life to boot. And did we mention good looks?

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  • George Clooney
    The Ocean's Eleven star has been a heart throb amongst the girls since decades now. Have you seen that dimple? Oh and if that wasnt enough, the guy can act too. Two Golden Globes and one Oscar award later, he continues to give hit after a hit. Sexy, we say!

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  • Daniel Radcliffe
    If every gal had a wand, they would want to take Harry aka Daniel home to momma! Radcliffe has that unique face which grabs your attention in the middle of a crowd. Sort of a boy-man, this young actor has a thing for older women and is bold enough to do nude scenes. Not bad at all!

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  • Brad Pitt
    Yes Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie, you heard it right,  we love him too! The Seven star gets our vote for being the rugged sexy man our fantasies are made of. Not to forget how cute he looks as a father to little Shiloh!

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  • Aamir Khan
    The 'perfectionist' actor has slowly and steadily made an entire country his fan. With chocolate boy looks, he has thrilled tinsel town with one epic performance after another. Called 'desi Tom Hanks' by the public, what is similar is how both the actors have managed to impress the Academy Awards jury time and again. To us girls, Aamir is that very lethal mix of cute looks with brains.

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