Acting like a man is a lot more fun!

  • Think Like a Lady
    That girl is so much skinnier/prettier/smarter than I am.

    Act Like a Man
    Console yourself by rationalising that your G-spot is probably bigger than hers.

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  • Think Like a Lady
    Shut up! I don't really look good in that picture. My hair is all crazy.

    Act Like a Man
    Actually accept the damn compliment... And believe it.

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  • Think Like a Lady
    What crawled up the boss's ass today? I hope she isn't pissed at me.

    Act Like a Man
    Blame her bad mood on PMS, because it can't possibly be you.

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  • Think Like a Lady
    I'll watch TV after I do laundry and about 10 other things that are on my to-do list.

    Act Like a Man
    Sit on couch. Death-grip remote. Scan HD channels for Vince Vaughn or soft porn.

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  • Think Like a Lady
    If I get the large fries, I won't fit into my skinny jeans.

    Act Like a Man
    Supersize it and unbutton your stretch low-riders.

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  • Think Like a Lady
    I'm not so sure if my idea is any good, but maybe I will suggest it.

    Act Like a Man
    Interrupt whoever is talking and say you have the million-dollar solution.

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  • Think Like a Lady
    Time for my monthly Brazilian torture. Awesome.

    Act Like a Man
    Let it grow. Proudly give it a nickname, like your Lady Jungle.

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  • Think Like a Lady
    I should brush up on current events so I'll have some convo starters for this cocktail party.

    Act Like a Man
    Memorise a few jokes from Russell Peter's new stand-up routine. Recite them whenever there's a lull in conversation.

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  • Think Like a Lady
    I need to find my boyfriend a birthday present he'll love.

    Act Like a Man
    Remember the gift he really liked last year? Buy that, but in a different color.

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  • Steve Harvey's book Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man has it wrong. First, you'd have to shut off half your brain to think like a guy. Second, acting like one is way more fun.

    Think Like a Lady
    Shit, I have a pimple, and it's ginormous. I hope my guy doesn't notice.

    Act Like a Man
    Point it out to him and make a joke, like "Look, I grew a third nipple. Sexy, huh?"

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