Do your muscles tend to hurt after exercise?

Here are a few facts that you should know.

Prevention Prevention
सितंबर 25, 2013

Mild to moderate muscular pain is to be expected after a bout of any exercise or sport. However, here are a few pointers to help you differentiate and act accordingly.


The advice given below is for people with no medical problems and for those who work out for general fitness.

Any strenuous activity can cause mild to moderate discomfort also known as 'micro tears' in our soft tissues. Known as DOMS (delayed onset of muscular soreness), it is usually localised to the body part that has been worked on like shoulders, chest, biceps and so on, and fades away in 24 to 48 hours. Ice the area to dull the pain and avoid long-term injuries. If the pain doesn't subside within 72 hours, it's advisable to consult a doc. Rest and recovery (say weight training every alternate day) are crucial before you can load the same muscles again. Remember to stretch adequately to avoid soreness.

Too Much Too Soon:

We sometimes tend to push ourselves to reach a specific goal. This could be lifting too much weight or running a few extra kilometres, leading to extreme pain. Remember, progression should always be gradual and not sudden.

Wrong Moves:
Focus on your posture while executing a move. Wrong posture can result in chronic pain in the joints. Soreness after strength training also occurs due to lactic acid build-up. So the pain sometimes lingers on until the concentration of lactic acid in your muscles tends to lower. Exercise moderately and minimise pain with proper warm-up and cool down sessions when you exercise.

Maintain Your Diet:
Cramps could be another cause for the pain you feel. Check with a nutritionist to rule out any deficiencies. Load up on proteins, vitamins and minerals while maintaining an active lifestyle. Remember to hydrate well before, during and post-workout.

Finally, learn to listen to your body and stop before you collapse or do your body any permanent damage.


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