India's top women sports icons

  • Geeta Phogat won India's first ever gold medal in women's wrestling in the 55 kg freestyle category at the 2010 Commonwealth Games. She made history when she became the first ever female wrestler from India to qualify for the Olympics.

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  • Dipika Pallikal is the first Indian squash player to break into the top 10 in the WSA rankings. She won her sixth WSA title by winning the Meadowood Pharmacy Open on February 2013.

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  • Sharmila Nicollet won her first tournament at the age of 15. She is the youngest Indian golfer to qualify for European Tour and the second Indian to earn a full card on the Ladies European Tour.

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  • Deepika Kumari is currently ranked World No. 2. She qualified for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. She was conferred with Arjuna Award in the year 2012 by President of India Pranab Mukherjee.

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  • An Arjuna Award recipient, Tania Sachdev is a chess player, who holds the titles of International Master and Woman Grandmaster. She won Bronze Medal on Board 3 with a score of 9.0/11 in the Istanbul Chess Olympiad 2012, Turkey.

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  • A determined athlete, Anju Bobby George grabbed the limelight when she won the bronze medal at the 2003 World Championships in Athletics in Paris.

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  • Sharpshooter Anjali Bhagwat, the former world number one has inspired a revolution in the country. Under Sanjay Chakravarthy's supervision, Anjali clinched her maiden national title in 1990; there has been no looking back since then.

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  • Five time world champion, MC Mary Kom made us proud by winning the bronze medal at the London Olympics. She has been ranked as No. 4 by AIBA World Women's Ranking Flyweight category.

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  • It is a little hard for us to hand-pick a few of the sportswomen who have contributed to Indian sports in a large way. Here's our top 10 pick:

    Saina Nehwal has brought glory to India. She is the first Indian to win a bronze medal in Badminton at the Olympics. She sailed into Malaysia Open quarters earlier this year to regain World No. 2 ranking.

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