10 memorable makeovers of Bollywood stars for their roles

10 memorable makeovers of Bollywood stars for their roles

  • Manoj Bajpayee in Aligarh
    The old man with that diffident body posture, who is sitting on a bench in the posters of upcoming film Aligarh is none other than Manoj Bajpayee. He looks so awfully like the gay professor he plays in the film!  Mesmerizing!

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  • Rajinikanth in Robot
    Rajini surpassed himself as Chetti who is a robot and who becomes evil due to a wrong chip inserted in his system.

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  • SRK in Om Shanti Om
    When Shah Rukh Khan revealed his first look in Farah Khan's Om Shanti Om, with drool worthy sexy six pack abs-it sent his fans to tizzy as the forty something star looked awfully stunning and different from the way he looked in his previous films.

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  • Vidya Balan in Bobby Jasoos
    While Vidya has many disguises in this film, her beggar look from Bobby Jasoos beats them all.

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  • Priyanka Chopra, Mary Kom
    Priynaka Chopra belongs to that genre of actors who is not wary of experimenting with her looks on screen. It was hard do believe how she would assay the role of Mary Kom, till the film's poster surprised everyone with the way she managed to look so strikingly similar to the North Eastern boxer.

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  • Farhan Akhtar, Bhag Milkha Bhag
    Farhan Akhtar is the best example of talent which shows up late, but sweeps everyone off feet. He looked unbelievably similar to Milkha and not at all like his own self, thanks to his rigorous training and strict diet.

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  • SRK in Ra One
    We don't know what regimen he followed before his role as G One in Ra One, but SRK did manage to look very convincing as a super hero with is body hugging suit, blue eyes and robot like far way expression.

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  • Aamir Khan in Ghajini
    Six packs, bald and graffiti all over his body, Aaamir Khan's Ghajini look was awe inspiring and dangerously convincing!

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  • Amitabh Bachchan in Paa
    No one can beat Amitabh Bachhan's Paa look in which he plays the role of Auro who suffers from progeria. Who could imagine Big B playing the role of his own son's twelve year old son!   

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  • Kamal Hasan, Indian
    Should we complement the star or the make-up artist for the way he looked in the film.

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  • Ranbir in Rocket Singh
    Though there was nothing unusual about Ranbir Kapoor's look as Sardaar in Rocket Singh, yet he managed to evoke surprise and curiosity as why he chose a role that required him to cover his face with beard, wear a turban, ride a scooter and wear cotton pants and shirts. Though the film did not do well at the box office, Ranbir Kapoor as Rocket Singh rocked!

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  • Kamal Hasan, Chachi 420
    His transformation into a woman was so smooth that he actually looked like an affectionate elderly lady who deeply cared for the little girl whose caretaker she was.

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  • Rani Mukerji
    Rani's look as a blind and deaf girl in Black is as moving as her portrayal of the character.

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  • When Amitabh Bachchan first appeared as little Auro, in the posters of Paa, it was almost impossible to believe that a sixty plus man who is six feet two inches tall is playing the role of a twelve year old child. But make-up did its wonders and Big B magically transformed into an adorable, cute little kid, full of questions and curiosity-that come naturally at that age. Similarly, when Shah Rukh Khan did a la Salman Khan by removing his shirt to show off his newly-acquired six packs in Om Shanti Om, there was hardly anyone who didn't say wow-because this was very much unlike him who is the romantic Raj of Bollywood and not the macho Prem or Ajay who dances on a song or two in between his fight with the baddies.

    Actors have taken pains to look like the character they portray, sometimes sitting for hours with the make-up artists to get the right look. Here are some memorable makeovers of the Bollywood actors.

    Rekha's Khoon Bhari Maang's both de glam and glamorous avatars remain memorable till date.

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