"I am a bad Muslim woman"

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15 November,2017

Getting judged all the time is heart-breaking.

Women get judged all the time. For wearing a certain dress, for stepping out of their houses at a certain time, and for behaving a certain way. But, being born a Muslim woman only adds to the pressure. There's a long list of dos and don'ts that they are expected to follow. A lot of these things would actually be considered pretty normal and non-controversial by the rest of the society. nfortunately, this doesn't work in their favour. Now, many families in India and in the rest of the world are not that stuck-up. But, it really doesn't matter because the some people from the community are ready to jump to insane conclusions and label them a 'bad Muslim.' This is not an exaggeration but a true story. So, it's best if you hear it from one such 'bad Muslim woman.'