What really, truly makes a feminist? Hint: Man-hating is not a criteria

Let's just reclaim the F word, once and for all.

Dipannita Saha Dipannita Saha
मार्च 02, 2017
Feminism is not about bra burning, ladies. Photo: Shutter

Feminism has off late become the most misinterpreted word. Blame it on the media or on the so called men's rights activists--or as they like to call themselves Meninists (which is not even a word)--the F word has become something to be ashamed of.

Let us tell you what feminists don't do. They don't burn their bras, they don't hate men, and neither are they lesbians. They are just people, like you, who believe in the simple concept of equality. That's right. Equality, not supremacy, as it is sometimes misunderstood as.

If you still are confused if you are actually a feminist, let us tell you the essential ingredients that make a feminist.

If You Are A Supporter Of Equal Rights

It's really simple, ladies. If you believe that everyone deserves to be treated without discrimination, no matter the gender they belong to, you are a feminist.

Whether you like it or not, feminism is all about equality. So yeah, if your brother comes up to you and tells you that he's a feminist, he probably is.

If You Know Wage Gap Exists And You Are Not Okay With It

If you think it's stupid that women still don't receive equal pay for equal work, then you're a feminist. To want women to be paid the same amount of money as their male co-workers for the exact same jobs, is a clear cut sign of feminism.

Any decent human being would want wage gap to be a thing of the past. So if you don't want that to happen, you're probably a potato, no actually then you are a jerk.

If You Believe Women In Top Positions Can be As Good As Their Male Counterparts

Repeat after us: A person's genitals doesn't affect their productivity. Now that you have done that, let us tell you that a woman can do a job, any job, as good as a man.

We have had women leaders, not only in India but also across the world, who have gotten the work done. Case in point, Angela Merkel, who's the Chancellor of Germany. And mind you, she's a bada**.

If You Think A Woman's Body Is Her Own

Isn't this exactly what Rachel said in F.R.I.E.N.D.S.? "No Uterus, No Opinion" should be your mantra, if you are a man. If you are a woman, then you probably know that your body is your own, and you get to decide what to do with it.

And if you already believe in a woman's right to her body and don't judge her by what she decides to do with it, you are a feminist. Yup, you are. Don't nod your head sideways.

If The Condition Of Women All Over The World Pisses You Off
Whether you identify as a feminist or not, the state of women's rights globally should upset you. Because of one simple reason--women's rights are human rights. And human rights are being denied to thousands of women worldwide every single day.

Did it hurt when you got to know that Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head because she fought for the right to education? If you said yes, then congratulations--you're not a total sociopath, and also you are a feminist.

If A Woman Owning Up Her Sexuality Doesn't Make You Uncomfortable

We agree that everyone has different ideas about sex and sexual behaviour, and that's OK. We mean, not everyone likes the same things in bed or is super open about their sex lives.

But if you don't get uncomfortable by openly sexual women, regardless of your opinion, then you're super feminist--whether you want to admit it or not. However, if you regularly call girls a sl*t, just because their sexuality doesn't go down well with you, then you are just a regular jerk. Stop doing that.

If You Want To Smash Patriarchy In Its Face

Let's be honest, no women should be confined to her kitchen. It's the patriarchy that has made these regressive rules to keep women under control. But guess what? If you are fed up of everything that is regressive and forbids you from doing what you want to do or from being the person you want to be, you my dear are a feminist!

So stop pretending that you're not a feminist. Because if you have the gumption to speak your mind, then you are a feminist, and you should very well be proud of that tag.

Remember the fight is long and hard, and all we have is each other. Let's reclaim the F word once and for all.


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